
Preparing for college in high school


About 3.4 million high school students were estimated to graduate in 2022. If your child is considering post-secondary education, 知道如何在高中为大学做准备可以让你们俩都做好准备. 使用这个按时间顺序排列的大学清单来提前完成关键步骤, including school visits and financial aid deadlines, and help smooth the road to higher learning.

  1. Lay the groundwork
    在9年级和10年级的时候,你和你的学生应该讨论高中毕业后的生活. 鼓励与学校辅导员或任何兴趣和技能评估的访问, as well as internships, apprenticeships, 工作见习和暑期项目,以探索可能性并获得经验.
  2. Investigate the options
    列出你的学生最喜欢的学校或项目. 研究并联系每个人,以了解更多关于是什么让他们的经历和教育与众不同. Attend college visits and career fairs. 计划参观校园——即使邻近的学校不在你最喜欢的学校名单上,也能帮助你选择合适的大学.
  3. Take the tests
    并不是每个学校或项目都要求标准化考试,但参加这些考试可以让你有更多的选择. PSAT通常在大三的秋天参加,作为SAT的练习. Spring of junior year is typical ACT and SAT time. 一些有希望上大学的人试图在大四的秋天提高分数. Many colleges accept either the ACT or SAT, 因此,通过练习测试来确定哪一个能最好地展示你的学生.
  4. Apply for scholarships
    大四前的一个很好的暑期项目是研究和申请地方和国家 scholarships. 他们有各种各样的理由——从参与课外活动到学习成绩. 要避免诈骗,记住你永远不应该花钱去找他们.
  5. Perfect those applications
    First thing senior year, 你的学生应该开始要求老师推荐,写和修改申请论文. 提前决定和提前行动申请通常在11月截止, 普通大学申请的截止日期通常是1月1日至2月1日. Other programs, including trade and technical schools, may have later deadlines — mark them on the calendar.
  6. Apply for financial aid
    The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 是什么决定了每年数十亿到数百万学生的需求, is available beginning October 1. Apply early, as some funds are first come, first served. Some schools may require you to fill out the College Board's CSS Profile instead, a more detailed application than the FAFSA.
  7. Compare colleges
    • Ask a lot of questions -任何搜索都应该从学校和其他来源收集信息开始,包括对你的孩子类型的深入回顾.
    • Discuss the cost of college 除此之外,还有很多成本方面的考虑需要讨论 tuition, room and board; it’s helpful to discuss as many as you can.
    • Explore a variety of universities and campuses 一个孩子说,“我想去一所小学校.“实际参观不同招生规模的院校是另一回事 compare the experiences, such as classroom sizes and housing.
    • Seek help 你的学生可能会有一个与你自己的经验和想法相反的观点. Bridging the gap can be easier with the input of experts, 如指导顾问和专业学术顾问, who can offer impartial guidance on how to choose the right college.
  8. Choosing the right college
    Once your student receives acceptance letters, 做任何必要的财务比较和贷款申请,以告知你的最终决定. 在规定的截止日期(通常是5月1日)之前寄上你的承兑汇票和存款. 别忘了让你没有选择的学校知道你拒绝了他们的录取通知.
  9. Prep for the next phase
    可能要填写表格,要注册课程,可能还要安排新的生活. 你的学生选择的学校或项目会让你保持最新的信息,因为你们俩都在这段新的冒险中导航, in education and life.

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College is a big step in a young adult's life. 用下面的建议帮助你的学生做好过渡的准备.

