

It's easy to overspend when starting out, so 在这里 are ideas for cutting down expenses.

年轻人可能会发现很难存钱 大的财务目标 — such as buying a house — while still enjoying their hobbies and social lives. 好消息是: 你不必牺牲乐趣 用这些简单的方法来省钱.

Use coupons and sign up for automatic-coupon 浏览器扩展

Several websites and apps offer great deals to save on hundreds of items whether you're at the grocery store or the mall. Sort your printed coupons by retailer or store section in a binder and keep them in your car for easy access. Meal planning around your grocery store sale flyer in addition to using coupons can increase your savings further.

报名参加 浏览器扩展 that automatically apply coupon codes to online purchases can make saving easier when you don't already have a coupon and don't have time to search for one.


在家做饭 通常比外出就餐更健康吗, so skip happy hour "deals" and host a potluck dinner with friends instead. Set a budget beforehand and ask each person to bring one or two entrees, sides, drinks or desserts.


Local community calendars often list events and activities many of which are free to the public. 如果没有引起你的兴趣, make up your own: Go on a walking tour of interesting spots in your neighborhood or city, 从事地理教学或调查 为当地社区做志愿者 组织.


Browsing secondhand stores is a great way to find deals on clothes, 书, 运动器材及家具. Before purchasing, always check the quality of the items and make sure the offer is legitimate. You can also refresh your wardrobe by organizing a clothes swap, or make some extra cash by selling unwanted clothes to a local consignment store or one online, 比如Tradesy或Poshmark.


家用电器一直插电可能是原因之一 高达8%的能源消耗 即使它们不被使用. 拔掉某些东西, 比如电脑, DVD播放器, 咖啡机, 灯, 手机充电器和其他厨房用品, 帮助你减少电费.


每天你不花的钱都是你的积蓄. 挑战你自己 没有花的日子 once a month, then change it to one day a week and see how much you can save.


美国人平均每年外出就餐花费3000美元. Think about how much of that is spent at lunch and how that amount would look in your bank account instead. 打包午餐 有没有省钱的简单方法.


If you are making payments to multiple creditors, it's possible you could save by 巩固债务.


Have money automatically deposited directly to your savings account from your paycheck. Called "paying yourself first", this can be an easy way to save.


If t在这里's something you want to purchase, write down its cost, and then revisit it after 30 days. You may no longer feel it's necessary, or you may decide it's something worth saving for.


用你想要的东西的成本除以你的时薪. That will show you the amount of hours you'll need to work to pay for the item. 然后,决定它是否真的值得你花时间.


If you make a mistake, don't let it keep you from moving forward. Look at your mistake for what it is — a lesson to learn from. Think about what led you to making it, and try to remember that in the future. Remember all the good choices you've made and don't let one mistake make you feel like a failure.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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金融 wellness tips to help improve your financial future

Get ahead and learn how to improve financial wellness through simple spending, 储蓄和预算小贴士.


You can have a budget — and still live the life you want to live. Budgeting is a simple and reliable resource for shedding unwanted debt, 达到财务目标, living a healthier financial lifestyle and maintaining true financial wellness.

谁想成为百万富翁? 看看需要多长时间

进入你的年龄, 储蓄计划, and what you currently have saved to discover the time it will take to reach your goal.


The basics on the types of assets, how to protect them and when it's time to liquidate.