

Routine washer maintenance can help reduce breakdowns and costly water damage. 学习如何清洁你的洗衣机等等.

Your washing machine offers your household loads of support, 这里有一些你可以做的事情来回报.

1. 使用正确的洗涤剂

Check that you’re using the right type of detergent for your machine. 例如, high-efficiency machines perform best with low-sudsing detergent, so check for “HE” on the detergent label to confirm you’re using the right kind.

2. 不要用太多的洗涤剂

The friction caused by clothes rubbing against each other is what helps get your clothes clean. Too much detergent can cause excess suds and cushioning between your clothes, 减少清洁所需的摩擦量. 不仅如此, 但过量的洗涤剂会导致堆积, 哪些会对机器造成额外的磨损. Follow the instructions for measuring detergent as this can help safeguard against using too much.

3. 不要使机器超载

All washing machines have a maximum capacity for what they’re able to hold. You risk damaging the machine if you put in more than it can handle. 尽量不要把衣服塞得太满. 还有笨重的毯子和被子之类的东西, consider taking those to a laundromat w在这里 they have high-capacity machines specifically made to handle bulkier items.

4. 记得清理一下棉绒过滤器

Remember to remove the lint from your washer to help keep it running efficiently. 这取决于你的机器类型, the lint collector may likely be in the agitator tube (the center column of most machines) or near the top of the washtub.

5. Leave the machine open between loads to help prevent odors and mildew

Leave the washer lid or door open between loads to help dry out the unit and keep it smelling fresh. On front-loading washers, wipe down the rubber seal around the door after doing your laundry.

6. 洗你的洗衣机

这听起来可能很傻, 但信不信由你, your washing machine needs to be washed to get rid of soap residue and buildup. One way to help make sure your washing machine stays clean is by running a washing machine cleaner through it every month or so. Some DIY recommendations may suggest using vinegar as a cleaner, but consider using a cleaner that’s specifically made for washing machines since vinegar can actually cause damage to rubber seals and hoses, 哪些可能导致泄漏.

7. 更换损坏的水管

损坏的水管会导致昂贵的损失 对房屋的损害. Check the hoses regularly for bulging, cracking, fraying, and leaks around the ends. Replace damaged hoses whenever a problem is found or every three to five years as part of a proactive maintenance program.

8. 给机器一些空间

和你一样,你的洗衣机也需要一些空间. Try to give it at least four inches between itself and the wall to help prevent hoses from kinking.

9. 检查机器是否水平平衡

不平衡的洗衣机会震动, 在旋转循环中,在地板上摇摆或走动, causing potential damage to both the floor and the machine. Balance the washer by turning each leg clockwise to lower it or counterclockwise to raise it.

10. Place a drip pan under the machine to help prevent water damage

Consider putting a drip pan (sometimes called a drain pan) under the machine to help contain small water leaks. This can help prevent water damage to floors and anything else underneath it, which is especially important if your washing machine is upstairs.

Following these simple washing machine maintenance tips can not only increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your machine, but can also help protect your home from costly water damage. 同时,看看这些 干衣机保养小贴士, 洗衣房安全提示 和其他 家用电器维护待办事项.

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