

Everything you need to know for registering your car at the DMV hassle-free.

In order to drive any 车辆, you have to register and get license plates for it. 如果你 买一辆车 从私人聚会或亲戚那里, you'll very likely have to take on the responsibility of doing this yourself. 车辆登记就是这个过程, and it typically includes getting the title of the 车辆 in your name as well as license plates for the 车辆 itself. 一般来说,这是在机动车辆管理局(DMV)办公室完成的. 在某些情况下, it can be done online or through the mail — something that's become common with the current pandemic — and t在这里's a process for renewing every year. 这不是世界上最愉快的经历, 但如果你准备好了,它可以很简单. 所以,嘿,别担心... 我们是来帮忙的.

DMV 101

说实话,不是每个人都喜欢去车管所. Many people may feel intimidated just thinking about going to the DMV for a transaction. 这是可以理解的. 由于排长队可能很常见,做好准备是最重要的. 除了, 如果你需要一名语言翻译协助, 你应该事先检查一下是否有翻译服务.

但首先, 我们应该澄清一些事情:虽然它通常被称为“车管所”,这并不总是它的官方名称. 但无论如何, 它总是指国务院, division or commission that oversees the regulation and registration of cars and other 车辆s. 此外,每个州都有不同的进程. We've provided 在这里 some general guidelines together with the most common requirements. However, to get into specifics, you'll have to check with the DMV in your state (see list below).


If you purchase your car at a dealership, or from a used car dealer, t在这里's nothing to worry about. 他们通常会以合理的价格为你登记车辆. 事情的变化, 然而, when you purchase a 车辆 从私人聚会或亲戚那里: then you need to register the 车辆 yourself. 记住车辆的名称, 在交易过程中,你应该从卖方获得什么, is the starting point for everything and that it has to be signed by the seller in order to confirm that you officially purchased the car.

虽然不是所有的以下可能适用于你的情况, 这些是获得新车牌的典型要求:

  • 车辆交易申请或登记及/或所有权申请
  • 载有卖方名称的经签字的所有权证书或所有权证书
  • 支付所有权(或所有权转让)和牌照费
  • 有效的身份证明(驾驶执照或州身份证)
  • An insurance card under your name (if your state requires proof of insurance in order to register the 车辆, 国有农场® 代理 我能帮你吗?
  • Payment of the sales tax on the purchase price (in some states, like 德州)
  • 支付车辆使用税(部分州)
  • 车辆检验证明书(部分州)
  • Mileage reflected on the 车辆 odometer (in some states and depending on the year of the 车辆)


  • 如果车辆的证件是外州的, 这没什么好担心的,因为这很常见. The important thing is that it be signed by the seller, dated and all in order.
  • 一旦您完成了交易并支付了相关款项, 他们会给你登记证明,允许你开车. It's possible that they will also give you the license plates right t在这里, 然后你需要把它装在车上.
  • Some states, like 佛罗里达, issue just one plate for the back of the 车辆. Others, like 伊利诺斯州, issue two: one for the front, and one for the back. 仔细注意你所在州的规定.
  • 如果是新车登记, they'll send the new title with your name on it to your mailing address within a few weeks.


If you've already registered your car and have plates, renewing your registration is much easier. 每年, 你必须支付费用并在你的盘子上贴上标签, 指示您完成了所需的事务. 通常, 这个月将是你的生日, 根据你姓氏的第一个字母分配的月份, or the month of the date you initially registered the 车辆 depending on the state that you live in. 为此目的, 您将收到续订提醒, 通过邮件, 在你的注册期满前一个月从车管所拿到的. 许多州允许你在网上或通过邮件续签. 这又少了一件你需要担心的事!

Carrying out the transaction typically is pretty fast since the renewal reminder, 在一般情况下, 包含所有必要的信息. 你得带着它去车管所, pay the renewal fee and — in nearly all cases — show them the insurance card with both your name and the 车辆's VIN (the VIN is the ID number that every 车辆 has). In some states, like 德州 or 维吉尼亚州, you might also need proof of a successful 车辆 inspection.

通常, they give you 15 days to a month to renew your registration after it expires, but don't take our word for it — be sure to check yourself with your local DMV.

如果你没有收到续订的提醒, 或者你搬到别的地方了, we recommend that you call the DMV or simply go t在这里 with your documentation when it's time to renew. 或者,更简单:去你的车管所网站(见下面的列表).

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On a final note, remember that when you 买一辆车, you have to register it as soon as possible. 更重要的是, 在很多州, a private party seller is required to remove the plates from the car when they sell it. 如果您需要在注册之前使用汽车, be sure to always take your new 车辆's documentation with you along with your insurance card. 即使这张卡是给你处理掉的那辆车的, insurance companies typically give you a grace period to update your policy with any new 车辆 information.

拥有一张pp王者电子官网卡可能是避免麻烦的关键. 我们建议你和 州立农场的代理人 prior to finalizing the purchase of your new car so that they can assist you. 既然你这么做了, the 代理 will be able to better inform you about local registration requirements for the state that you live in.

第一次买pp王者电子官网 看起来势不可挡. 如果这是你的情况,或者你刚搬到美国.S., 我们可以帮你了解最新情况 通过这篇文章. 也, if you're thinking about buying a car from a dealership and letting them process everything for you, 我们有额外的 帮助你尽可能多存钱的建议 当你终于准备好购物的那一刻.


The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.




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