摩托车 helmet and goggles placed on a motorcycle handlebar

摩托车 安全ty tips


The open road can be an adventure. You never know what might be around the bend, 所以,试着为你前方的道路做好准备吧.

无论你喜欢哪种类型的骑行方式,共享道路都是必不可少的. 这里有一些摩托车安全提示,帮助你和你的乘客保持安全.

Key takeaways for motorcycle 安全ty

  • Different ways to be 安全 while riding a motorcycle
  • 摩托车 awareness tips for car drivers

摩托车 riding tips


Consider contacting your 州的DMV to learn the requirements for getting a motorcycle license. Also, it’s important to reach out to your insurance company 关于 motorcycle insurance 和不同的 coverage options that might be available.

摩托车 classes

Consider participating in a hands-on t雨ing course. These are beneficial for both new and experienced riders. 参加高级骑行课程可以帮助你掌握刹车技巧, collision avoidance and difficult turning.

摩托车 安全ty gear

穿 protective gear, and see that passengers are protected too. 摩托车 helmets有衬垫或分层的衣服、手套和眼镜都有助于减少伤害. 并不是每个州都要求佩戴头盔,但强烈建议佩戴. 头盔对安全骑行至关重要,可能有助于保护你免受严重的脑损伤.

摩托车 inspection

思考 checking your motorcycle 在开车前,经常要确认车灯、转向灯、后视镜、刹车和燃油是否完好. Consider choosing a bike equipped with an Antilock Braking System (ABS) as it helps prevent wheels from locking up and skidding.

Don't drive under the influence

平衡,协调和良好的判断力都是安全骑摩托车的部分. 酒精、处方药或非处方药都会影响你的骑行方式. Always ride sober.


When on the road, be engaged and on the lookout for 其他司机. 不要忘记礼貌和尊重其他驾驶者,并分享道路. 除了, watch for potholes and things like oil, 砾石和沙子是很危险的,可能会导致你失去对摩托车的牵引力或控制.


Larger 车辆s are generally easier to see than motorcycles. 由于摩托车的尺寸,司机可能很难看到它们. 作为骑手, 考虑采取安全措施让自己更显眼,包括穿亮色的衣服,使用车灯和转向灯. Avoid getting into 其他司机’ blind spots.

Keep your distance

Follow at a 安全 distance behind the 车辆 in front of you. Allow more time and distance in poor weather conditions, 交通拥挤 and as you approach curves and intersections.


遵守道路规则,遵守交通法规,特别是限速和使用转向灯. 尽量呆在自己的车道上,而不是靠肩或分车道行驶,因为当你在旅行车道上时,其他司机更有可能看到你. Also think 关于 learning the rules of 骑双 before taking a passenger.

Watch the weather

Difficult weather conditions like 冰和雾会让你的摩托车骑行体验充满挑战. 除了冷之外,你可能更难控制你的摩托车. 恶劣的天气可能会使其他车辆更难看到你. 骑电单车前,应考虑先查询天气预报,以免在路上遇到危险情况.

摩托车 awareness for drivers

Keep your eyes open and follow the rules of the road

如果你在汽车里,最好对骑摩托车的人保持警惕. 有礼貌地与他们共享道路,并使用转向灯来改变车道或当 merging into traffic.

在路上时,在变道前要检查后视镜和盲区. 与汽车不同的是,摩托车的转向灯闪烁时,要注意等摩托车转弯或司机关掉转向灯, motorcycle signals don't always have auto-cancel. 还要注意由于道路危险而突然移动的摩托车手,例如躲避坑洼或碎片.

此外,遵守车速限制,不酒后驾驶, defensive driving 在开车的时候避免分心可以帮助你把每个人都留在你身边, including motorcyclists, 安全.

Give them space

在跟随摩托车时,保持安全距离,建议是三到四秒. 它们比汽车停车更快,你也需要做好停车的准备.

Do not share your lane with a motorcycle. 尽管摩托车比较小,但它们和其他车辆一样有自己的车道.

使用这些建议是一个很好的起点,你可以通过阅读更多 how to avoid motorcycle accidents骑双 和其他 motorcycle insights.

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