
Tips for pet safety at home and in the car


你的宠物有点像孩子:你必须喂它们,捡起它们,保证它们的安全. Of course, for the dog, cat, bird and more in your home and in your car, the safety rules are a little different. 这里有一些好的策略来确保他们的健康.

Pet safety in the house

  • Check your plants. Some are toxic to animals; if you can't place them out of reach, 问问你的朋友或家人,看他们是否愿意帮你种植绿色植物.
  • Enclose all food. 饥饿的动物不知道人类食物和宠物食物的区别, 他们也可能无法控制自己. Keep food off countertops and behind shut doors.
  • Remove any choking or eating hazards. 这对于像狗和猫这样喜欢咀嚼任何东西的动物来说尤其重要. 你可能会发现衣服、电子产品和鞋子带来了不必要的诱惑.
  • Lock up dangerous household chemicals. Curious pets may be able to open cabinet doors; use child-safe locks to prevent access.
  • Confine them when you're gone. 一个用门隔开的板条箱或房间可能是一个很好的解决方案,可以确保你的宠物感到安全,不会破坏你家里的任何东西, too.
  • Watch out for them when you're busy. 这包括你做饭和打扫卫生,甚至只是玩耍的时候.
  • Build pet safety into your yard. 保护他们免受伤害,固定围栏,保持草坪没有任何障碍物或垃圾.

Pet safety in the car

  • Keep your pets separate from you. Having a pet on your lap while driving is not OK; they're a distraction and at risk. 相反,可以考虑使用重型的车内板条箱或障碍物.
  • Secure them. 如果你遇到了事故,你希望你的动物得到保护. 此外,一种约束可以防止它们逃跑. Consider a leash or harness.
  • Research stops. On a longer road trip, 确保你有足够的宠物安全站点,让它们出去(拴着)上厕所和锻炼休息.

需要更多的方法来保护你的宠物在家里的安全? Check out this infographic.

对我们许多人来说,宠物是正式的家庭成员. And as pet "parents,“我们有责任为他们提供一个内外都能安全生活和玩耍的家. 这里有一些方法可以让你的家和院子尽可能地善待宠物.

While you cook & eat

  • 使用有盖子的垃圾桶,盖子可以安全关闭或锁上,并保持盖子关闭.
  • Install child locks on lower cabinet doors.
  • 将清洁用品和化学药品存放在上层架子上.
  • 要注意对动物有毒的食物:葡萄, raisins, chocolate and coffee grounds, among others.

As you clean up

  • Keep toilet lids closed.
  • Be sure that all medications, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, dryer sheets and other chemicals are out of reach.
  • Store sharp objects, such as razors, up high.
  • Close doors on dryers and washers.

Where you live & play

  • Move or cover electrical cords that could be chewed.
  • Pick up children's toys; small parts could be choking hazards, and batteries are toxic if eaten.
  • Keep plants out of reach. 芦荟、蒲公英等对动物有毒.

Out of the house

  • 把锋利的工具、化学药品和肥料存放在高处.
  • Clean up spilled or leaked antifreeze; even small amounts are very toxic to animals.
  • Unplug and put away any power tools.

In your yard

  • Check and repair fence boards that may be loose.
  • 埋好铁丝网,防止宠物从栅栏下挖洞或逃跑.
  • If you spray the yard with chemicals, fertilizers or herbicides, 寻找宠物安全的选择和/或按照制造商的说明.
  • 考虑在花坛、菜园和游泳池等开放水域周围设置屏障.

本文中的信息来自与State Farm®无关的各种来源(包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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没有宠物主人想要生病的宠物或意想不到的账单带来的压力. 幸运的是,宠物医疗pp王者电子官网可以帮助解决这些意外费用.

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