

一旦孩子学会骑自行车, they can benefit from learning bike safety such as wearing helmets, which routes to take 和 how to “ride right” with the flow of traffic.

随着天气变暖,夏天即将来临, many children are looking forward to getting out on their bicycles. To help your young cyclist enjoy safer riding this summer, consider these tips.


头盔 are the most important safety device for reducing head injuries among cyclists. 所以定个规矩:不戴头盔,不骑自行车. 确保 头盔安装正确 这样它就能提供最佳的保护. 它应该舒适地贴在孩子的头上.

Let kids pick out their own helmets so that they might be more inclined to wear them. And you may even let them put reflective stickers on the helmets which can help catch drivers’ attention. To help keep helmets in good shape 和 to protect their head when needed, 教孩子们不要乱扔头盔. Also, get a new helmet for them if they do fall 和 hit their head. Lastly, set a good example by wearing your own helmet when riding.


确保自行车的尺寸适合孩子. 不要让孩子骑自行车,他们会长大的. Their feet should be able to touch the ground when they're straddling the bike seat.


Children can be bike passengers (in child seats or trailers) as soon as they can hold their heads up 和 wear helmets. 一旦他们有了基本的运动技能, 通常在3到6岁之间, 他们可能会尝试自己的自行车. Use training wheels at first, moving them up slightly as your child can balance more confidently. Or consider a balance bike which is a bike without pedals that allows the child to learn balance 和 steering first. Have your child practice riding both in a straight line — such as along the lines in a vacant parking lot — 和 in circles to help improve balance. 也要教骑自行车的人如何使用刹车.


直到他们自己骑自行车, 儿童只是乘客, 所以要教导他们如何屈服, 安全通行和停车. Remind bikers that they'll need to follow the same traffic laws that other 车辆s do like stopping at stop signs. A bicyclist riding on a roadway needs to ride going in the same direction as traffic 和 as far to the right as possible. You can help your child remember this, by telling them to “ride right”. 指出潜在的危险区域, such as driveways 和 crosswalks 和 teach them h和 signals for turns 和 stopping.


Plan riding routes together 和 let your child take the lead on a ride. 试着骑车去学校,朋友家,一个 附近的公园 or , increasing or varying the rides as your child gains confidence 和 stamina. Riding on sidewalks or paved paths is best for children 10 years old 和 under. 一旦他们长大成熟, they may be better equipped to ride in the bike lane with other traffic.


  • Wear light-colored or reflective clothing to enhance visibility, 尤其是在黄昏和傍晚时分.
  • 出行前检查一下轮胎的充气情况.
  • 看到自行车有反光镜. If older kids are riding when it's dark, outfit bikes with white headlights 和 red rear lights.
  • 关掉音乐,摘下耳机. Riders should devote their full attention to the road.
  • 自行车也要注意安全. Lock them up when unattended even if you'll only be away for a few minutes.

We hope these tips help you give your kids a strong foundation for bike safety that they can carry over into 电动自行车青少年时期的汽车 而且到了可以开车的年龄. 别让孩子们享受所有的乐趣,考虑一下 骑自行车上班 锻炼身体,节省汽油.

要了解更多信息,请参阅“A道路权:理解 & 解决骑自行车者的安全问题" report with 30 生活-Saving Action Steps for 状态s, funded by a 由状态 Farm®资助.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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