Infographic that shares the 5 Ws of sunscreen (who, what, when, w在这里, why).


的 who, what, when, w在这里 and why of using sunscreen.


Everyone except infants younger than six months should use sunscreen, according to the 美国皮肤病学会.


美国皮肤病学会 推荐含有以下成分的防晒霜:

  • Broad-spectrum protection, which shields UVA and UVB rays.
    • UVA rays cause lasting skin damage, contribute to skin aging.
    • UVB射线会导致晒伤和皮肤损伤.
  • 防晒系数(SPF)为30或以上. Higher SPF equals more protection, but no sunscreen blocks 100% of UV rays.
  • Water-resistance to withstand water sports and sweating
    • Water resistant: effective up to 40 minutes in water.
    • Very water resistant: effective up to 80 minutes in water.
    • 没有防晒霜是完全防水的.

避免使用组合产品, such as moisturizer with SPF or sunscreen with insect repellent, as sunscreen needs to constantly be reapplied, 而其他产品则没有.


  • 它已经三年多了
  • 过期了
  • 颜色或稠度发生了变化
  • 的 container has been exposed to high temperatures


只要你暴露在阳光下, wear sunscreen. Sun protection isn't just for summer, either:

  • Snow, sand and water reflect harmful UV rays
  • 80% of UV rays reach your skin on cloudy days


  • Put it on 15 to 20 minutes before sun exposure
  • Two hours after every application, 游泳或出汗


W在这里 to apply sunscreen is easy to remember — on all skin that is not covered by clothing. 不要忘记:

  • 耳朵
  • 头皮
  • 嘴唇
  • 脖子
  • 脚尖
  • 手背

至少要用一盎司, about the size of a quarter, to cover exposed areas.

Different types of sunscreen work better on different areas:

  •  -奶油防晒霜
  • 头皮 -凝胶防晒霜
  • 眼睛周围 -防晒棒
  • Body -乳液或喷雾防晒霜


To avoid painful sunburns and lasting skin damage, which can lead to skin cancer. It only takes 15 minutes for the sun to begin damaging your skin.

的 who, what, when, w在这里 and why of using sunscreen.

  • 谁应该使用防晒霜? Everyone except infants younger than 6 months, according to the 美国皮肤病学会.
  • 你应该在防晒霜中寻找什么? 的 美国皮肤病学会 推荐含有以下成分的防晒霜:

Broad-spectrum protection, which shields UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays cause lasting skin damage, contribute to skin aging. UVB射线会导致晒伤和皮肤损伤.

防晒系数(SPF)为30或以上. Higher SPF equals more protection, but no sunscreen blocks 100% of UV rays.

Water-resistance to withstand water sports and sweating. Water resistant: effective up to 40 minutes in water. Very water resistant: Effective up to 80 minutes in water. 没有防晒霜是完全防水的.

避免使用组合产品, such as moisturizer with SPF or sunscreen with insect repellent, as sunscreen needs to constantly be reapplied, 而其他产品则没有.

Toss your sunscreen if it's more than 3 y耳朵 old, 过期了, 颜色或稠度发生了变化, the container has been exposed to high temperatures.

  • 什么时候该涂防晒霜? 只要你暴露在阳光下. Snow, sand and water reflect harmful UV rays1. 80 percent of UV rays reach your skin on cloudy days1. 在阳光照射前15-20分钟涂上, 每次涂抹后2小时, 游泳或出汗.
  • 防晒霜应该涂在哪里? On all skin that won't be covered by clothing. Don't forget about 耳朵, 头皮, 嘴唇, 脖子, 脚尖, 手背. 至少要用一盎司, about the size of a quarter, to cover exposed areas.

Different types of sunscreen work better on different areas. 对于你的脸,涂抹防晒霜. 头皮、凝胶防晒霜. 在眼睛周围涂抹防晒霜. 身体,乳液或喷雾防晒霜.

  • 为什么我需要使用防晒霜? To avoid painful sunburns and lasting skin damage, which can lead to skin cancer. 15 minutes is all it takes for the sun to begin damaging your skin.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 的 information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 的se suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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