Person's hand entering a PIN number at an ATM machine.

信用卡,借记卡 & ATM安全 tips to help prevent card fraud


现代银行业务很方便,但你仍然需要保持警惕,保护你的信用卡和借记卡, which thieves can use for both financial theft and 身份盗窃.


信用卡欺诈 is when another person uses the information from your card, 或者偷你的卡, 然后从你的账户预支现金或者以你的名义进行未经授权的购买. It is considered a form of 身份盗窃.

Examples of how credit card fraud can happen

  • 你的邮件. 小偷可能会翻遍你的垃圾,寻找可能包含账号的对账单或收据. A paper shredder can be your best friend — 撕碎任何邮件或文件 上面有账户信息. 你可能会过于谨慎,撕碎任何有你名字的东西——或者考虑一下 实现无纸化办公.
  • 信用卡诈骗犯. 窃贼在自动取款机或加油站的读卡器上安装了一个读取装置,从任何刷卡的人那里窃取信用卡信息.
  • 电脑黑客. 有人未经授权进入您的计算机,并从您的文件中窃取您的卡信息.
  • 虚假电子邮件,如网络钓鱼. 这些电子邮件可能有链接或电话号码,让你联系他们. Never click on links if you aren’t familiar with the sender of the email. If it appears the email is from your financial institution, call them with the numbers you have and ask if they sent you an email.
  • Calls about prizes or money transfers. Never provide your account information and ask a lot of questions. 如果他们问你的帐户信息,似乎很匆忙-这是一个很好的迹象,这可能是一个骗局. Do a web search to find out if the call is legitimate.
  • 肩膀冲浪者. 这些人会监视你,窃取你的个人数据, so it’s best to be aware of your surroundings. 在使用信用卡或输入密码时,请把手放在信用卡上,这样就不会被窥探到.

ATM, debit card and credit card security tips

Here is some card security information, as well as some pointers about protecting yourself and your identity,在使用自动柜员机时.


  • Don’t carry all your cards all the time. When traveling, take only what you need. Do you need to have all your cards with you daily?
  • 把它们放在安全的地方. Always keep your credit and debit cards in a safe place; never leave your card lying around the house or on your desk at work. No one should have access to the card but you.
  • 报告遗失或被盗卡. If your card is lost or stolen, notify your bank immediately. 许多银行提供网上资源,使报失卡更加容易.
  • Avoid writing your full card number on checks. If you use a check to pay your credit card bill, 在支票付款时,请只填写银行卡帐号的最后四位数字.
  • 创建强密码. When setting up new cards, remember to 创建一个强密码 这对每个账户来说都是独一无二的. Avoid using the same password for your bank account and retail sites.


晶片卡 are one more way to help prevent credit theft. 的 thumb-size metallic square on your credit card is a computer chip, which turns your credit card into a chip card and makes it nearly impossible for hackers to clone credit cards. 与传统信用卡上的磁条不同,芯片卡不存储敏感信息. 相反,每次使用该卡时,都会生成一个唯一的交易代码. 如果黑客拦截了这笔交易,他们将无法再次使用该代码.

As you get up to speed on chip cards, keep these five facts in mind:

  1. 插入,不要滑动. 将芯片卡插入芯片读卡器,而不是刷磁条.
  2. 更安全,但不是万无一失. Though chip cards are more secure, they can still be compromised. If your physical card is lost or stolen, it can be used by someone else since most cards only require a signature. 更重要的是, the credit card chip doesn't protect against online fraud, so your card could still be compromised by internet purchases.
  3. 他们是慢. 我们都已经习惯了刷卡的速度,但是芯片读卡器需要更长的时间. Expect to spend a few more seconds at the checkout line.
  4. You can use the magnetic stripe as backup. 虽然你应该一直使用芯片读取器,但并不是所有的零售商都安装或激活了它. If they do not, chip cards also have a magnetic stripe you can use.
  5. 欺诈责任 doesn't change for the consumer, but it does change for the card issuer and the merchant at point of sale. If t在这里 are fraudulent transactions on your credit card, 使用芯片卡,你仍然有和以前一样的欺诈保护(你可能需要为这些交易支付高达50美元的费用).


  • Keep your Personal Identification Number (PIN) a secret. Never share your PIN, even for the sake of convenience.
  • 定期更改密码. Many banks allow you to easily change your PIN online or by phone.
  • 隐藏写下的密码. 如果你必须写下你的密码,不要把它放在你的钱包,钱包或卡本身.
  • 请选择安全的PIN码. 避免使用容易识别或与你相关的数字和字母. 不要使用您的首字母缩写,出生日期,电话号码或卡号的任何部分.
  • 防范他人. 使用自动取款机时, 不让别人看到你的密码, 你正在进行什么类型的交易,或者你正在提取多少钱.


  • Be wary of people trying to help you with ATM transactions. 如果你觉得不安全, 或者好像有什么不对劲, move on and find another location to complete your transaction.
  • 随时为交易做好准备. Have your card ready as you approach the ATM. 这将帮助你避免花时间翻钱包或钱包.
  • 小心诈骗. 不要使用看起来不寻常或提供您不熟悉或不舒服的选项的自动取款机. Some scam artists plant unregistered ATMs to collect card numbers and PINs.
  • 尽量避免大额取钱,取钱时要小心. Do not count or display any money you received from the ATM.
  • 带上你的收据. 最好不要留下任何身份信息——你的收据可能包含你的银行名称或账户余额.

More thoughts on protecting yourself from credit fraud

  • Regularly review your account transactions. 许多银行都有应用程序, 所以你可能想要每天检查你的账户——或者为交易设置提醒. 通常有几种不同的警报类型:美元阈值, purchases when you’re not present and 在线交易 只是一些例子. 你通常可以选择是通过电子邮件还是短信收到这些提醒.
  • 检查你的信用报告. 你可以每年一次从三个征信机构免费订购一份 仔细审查,以确保所列的账户和贷款是合法的.
  • 欺诈责任. 公平信用计费法 是为了保护你免受欺诈并将你的责任限制在50美元. Some financial institutions offer $0 fraud liability.

要获得额外的保护,请考虑 contacting a 状态 Farm® agent today 谈论 身份恢复pp王者电子官网.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 的 information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 的se suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.










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