Younger woman looking at credit card at laptop.

How to build credit


建立信用是你要做的最重要的事情之一. Good credit is essential throughout your life, whether you want to buy a house or car, get insurance or maybe even pay less of a deposit for utilities.

不幸的是,在没有信用记录的情况下建立信用并不容易. 债权人不愿意向没有信用评分的人提供信贷,因为他们不知道所涉及的风险程度.

Understand credit reporting and credit scoring

A 信用评分 是放款人用来确定你的信誉的一个数字尺度吗. The better the number, 你就越有可能以更好的利率获得你想要的贷款. Lenders generally use the FICO® scoring system, 哪个系统地分配了一个从300到850的三位数,可以根据你的信用记录向贷款人表明未来的风险水平. Sometimes creditors don't extend credit to someone without a 信用评分 because of the level of risk involved.

信用报告定义了你的整个报告的信用历史,是一个主要的决定因素 future credit worthiness. 信用检查被许多公司使用,用于许多事情,包括买房或买车, obtaining insurance and obtaining utilities.

Review your credit report

Monitoring your credit is a good thing to do and knowing how to identify fraud is important. To do this, you'll need to request a copy of your credit report. The easiest way is through, 《pg电子官方网页版》授权的免费信用报告订购网站.

If your credit report includes incorrect information or accounts, 你需要联系信用报告机构和信息提供商来争论这个错误. If you suspect identity theft, you'll need to place a fraud alert on your credit report, 关闭这些账户,向警方报告并向 Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Apply for a credit card

拥有一张信用卡可能是建立信用最简单的方式. 有几个选择:成为别人卡上的授权用户帐户持有人, apply for a secured credit card or open a store or gas card.

只选择一到两张卡——你不想也不需要很快开太多的账户. Credit inquiries take points off your 信用评分, more so for someone with few credit accounts or a short history.

Authorized account holder

To become an authorized account holder, 你需要添加到别人已经建立的无担保主要信用卡. 这对你们双方来说都是有风险的,因为他们的信用错误可能会变成你的,反之亦然.

Secured credit card

有担保的信用卡可能是你第一张信用卡的最佳选择. 担保信用卡和无担保信用卡一样,但需要在发卡银行存款. 信用额度一般设定在存款的同一金额. 找一张有担保的信用卡,没有申请费,年费低,向所有三个信用局(Equifax)报告, Experian and TransUnion). 这一点很重要,因为如果你的信用账户没有被报告,你就无法建立信用.

重要的是要记住,尽管申请需要存款,但你仍然需要每月付款. That money is earning interest in a savings account, money market or certificate of deposit while your account is open. 当您关闭您的帐户或您负责任的使用使您有资格使用同一发卡机构的无担保信用卡时,您的存款将被退还.

Qualifying for credit

而汽油卡或百货商店卡通常更容易获得资格, 它们对你信用评分的影响不如有担保和无担保信用卡积极. 仍然, 只要你不忘乎所以,买一套新衣服,你的信用就不会很差, 或者把你的汽油预算花在其他地方,而不是每个月还清余额.

Use credit carefully

Once you have a credit card in hand, use it carefully. 你的目标不是支付利息或收取大量费用——你的信用评分不是基于这两者. And be sure to stay well under your credit limit; your 信用评分 may be impacted if your total debt compared to the total credit available, known as your debt-to-credit ratio, 超过30%. 一个月买几件小的东西,按时付款会给你的新信用报告带来持续的积极影响.

Monitor your 信用评分

T在这里 are tools to help you monitor your credit report. 你可以很快发现自己是否养成了不良的信用习惯, such as making payments late or carrying high balances. 滥用信用会让你背上堆积如山的债务,还得修一个信用评分. 第二次建立信用可能会困难得多.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm无关的各种来源® (包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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