Couple getting ready for tax filing season.

Tips on how to prepare for tax season


With income tax preparation, 一个小小的计划可以帮助你减少归档压力,简化归档过程. 考虑这些建议和提醒,以彻底和深思熟虑的方式进行税务申报, this year and beyond.

Put it on the calendar

税收通常在4月15日之前缴纳,除非这一天是周末或节假日. Need more time? 你可以考虑申请六个月的延期 Form 4868. But be sure to read all of the fine print. 即使延期,你仍然需要在4月份的截止日期之前支付你所欠的任何税款. Estimate the amount you expect to owe, and consider rounding up, 因为你通常会支付利息和罚款的任何付款后的到期日.

Documents needed for tax season

是时候整理和收集你所有的文件了. Here are just some you might need.

  • Have a copy of the prior year’s taxes on hand.
  • Gather up all your W-2s and 1099s to report your income.
  • 你需要证明非劳动收入的文件,如利息支付,股息和 capital gains. 你的银行、经纪公司和其他金融机构可以提供这些服务. Don’t forget to include earnings from gig economy and virtual currency.
  • 如果你申请任何减免——比如慈善捐款或学生贷款利息——确保你全年都有适当的记录,并在完成纳税时提供这些记录.

Know your deductions

Common deductions 包括抵押贷款和住房贷款利息,州和地方税收,以及慈善捐款. 你可以选择标准扣除额或逐项扣除额. 标准扣除额是一个固定的数额,这取决于你的申报状态. If your deductions exceed the standard amount, you might fare better by itemizing, 其中包括列出每个合格扣除.

Plan ahead for next year

Will you receive a sizable refund? Or do you face a big tax bill? 考虑改变你的预扣税,以便更好地匹配你的纳税义务(你欠政府的金额).

如果你得到退款,明智的做法是制定一个如何处理退款的计划. According to the IRS, the average refund received in 2022, was $3,253. 想想你可以把钱投入到你的目标上的方法——不管这是否涉及到 paying down debt, growing your emergency fund or saving for retirement.

If you have IRAs,考虑最大限度地利用它们来帮助减少你的应税收入.


  • You’ll need to decide if you want to do your taxes yourself or hire someone to do them for you.
  • 如果你确实雇佣了专业人士,要尽职调查,确保他们是合法的企业. 要注意电话诈骗、冒牌货报税和网络钓鱼邮件或网站. 你肯定不想成为税务欺诈的受害者 IRS scam.
  • 考虑设置你的银行账户来自动收到你的退税或支付任何到期金额,以帮助加快这一过程.
  • If you moved to a new address since the last time you filed, 在报税时,请确保所有表格上的个人信息都是正确的.


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State Farm®及其附属公司不提供税务、投资或法律建议. 联邦和州税法可能会发生变化. 如果需要税务、投资或法律建议,请寻求持牌专业人士的服务.

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