

Investors can look at several different measures to gauge stock performance and an indication of the overall 经济.

Whether you invest or not, you probably want to know what the stock market is doing. 它起来了吗?? 它下来了吗?? 这是好还是坏?

Investors can look at several different measures of stock market performance to gauge performance 和 overall 经济. 的 stock market is one of many different factors that economists consider when they look at economic health.

最常用的业绩衡量指标是市场指数 道琼斯工业平均指数S&P 500 成为最受欢迎的.


道琼斯工业平均指数 (DJIA) is the oldest market index in the United 状态s. 它有30家公司, 通常被称为蓝筹股, which have a history of substantial growth and a wide interest among investors. 道琼斯工业指数的, like its cousins the Dow Jones Transportation Average 和 Dow Jones Utilities Average, 是由查尔斯·道发明的, 《pg电子官方网页版》的联合创始人之一, 为读者提供市场数据.

的 only company that has been in the index since its creation in 1896 is General Electric. Companies are taken out due to merger or bankruptcy in addition to ensure the DJIA remains reflective of the current business climate and continues to recognize trends within the US Stock market. 并不是所有的替代品都是工业的, for example financial and health care 公司 have been added so that the DJIA remains representative of the U.S. 经济.

道琼斯工业平均指数是一个价格加权指数. It's calculated by adding up the price per share of each of the the 公司, with an adjustment divisor to reflect changes in shares at the 公司 so that t在这里 is price continuity over time.

的年代&P 500® 指数

《标准与穷人&P) 500 is a market-cap weighted index; it is calculated to show changes in total stock market performance 和 value of the 公司 in it rather than just changes in prices per share. 标准 & 金融评级公司普尔(Poor’s)管理着它. 的 index includes 500 of the largest and most widely owned 公司 in the United 状态s, with everything from Abbott Laboratories to Xerox Corporation and Google, 麦当劳, 宝洁公司 & 甘布尔和其他人.

其他的你.S. 索引

的 NASDAQ 指数 measures the change in value of the 公司 listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. Once known as the National Association of Securities Dealers 汽车mated Quotation System, NASDAQ is an electronic stock market founded in 1971 that is especially popular with technology and small 公司. Although it measures the total change in market value of all of the 公司 listed on the exchange, 它尤其受到科技行业变化的影响. If Apple, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle or Yahoo change in price, so will the NASDAQ.

弗兰克罗素公司, 哪家公司提供投资分析服务, 发布了一个旨在比道琼斯工业平均指数更具包容性的指数, 的年代&也就是纳斯达克指数. 的 罗素3000指数 该指数衡量的是美国最大的3000家公司的股市表现.S. 公司. 有两个子指数:罗素1000指数着眼于1,000家最大的公司, 罗素2000指数关注排名第一的公司,001 to 3,000. 因此, the Russell 1000 is often used to measure the performance of large 公司, 和 Russell 2000 is often used to measure the performance of small 公司.

Wilshire Associates是另一家投资咨询服务公司 威尔希尔5000指数. Its goal is to measure the market value of all stocks actively traded in the United 状态s. 一个分类指数, 威尔希尔4500, looks at the performance of the Wilshire 5000 with the 500 公司 in 的年代&移除500英镑.


上面提到的指数着眼于美国.S. 市场. 国际市场有自己的指数. Like the Dow Jones averages, many are associated with newspapers, such as the 英国《金融时报》证券交易所指数该公司追踪美国的公司.K. 或者是 日经指数该公司关注日本市场.

当投资者想要查看多个市场的综合表现时, 它们通常使用由 MSCI Barra这是一家向投资者提供数据的公司. 的 firm has 索引 on developing and emerging 市场 originally designed by the staff at Morgan Stanley Capital International. (这就是摩根士丹利资本国际在摩根士丹利巴拉的表现.MSCI最著名的指数是EAFE,代表欧洲、澳大利亚和远东地区. It includes 公司 in several developed economies outside of the United 状态s, 其中大多数在世界各地都有业务.


An 指数基金 is a portfolio of stocks and bonds intended to mirr或者是 performance of a financial market index. 不像 共同基金在美国,指数基金投资于一组特定的证券. 以下是一些关于指数基金的要点.

  • 直接投资指数是不可能的.
  • 罗素2000指数® 该指数追踪美国2000家市值最小的公司的普通股表现.S. 罗素3000指数成份股公司.
  • 的 Russell 1000 指数 is a market-capitalization weighted index that tracks the largest 1,罗素3000指数中有000家公司.
  • 道琼斯工业平均指数 is an unmanaged average of 30 actively traded stocks.
  • 的 NASDAQ Composite is an unmanaged market capitalization weighted index that is designed to represent the performance of the National Market System.
  • 的年代&P 500® 该指数追踪美国500家大型公司的普通股表现.S. 公司.

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Investing in bond funds may offer regular fixed income and tend to have less risk than most stock funds. 了解什么是债券基金和不同类型的选择.


Investing can be a great way to grow your money over time and help you prepare for retirement. 这里有一些投资基础知识可以帮助你开始.


帮助 take the guesswork out of prioritizing your lifelong financial goals with this infographic that categorizes retirement goals, 按年龄划分的短期目标和其他财务事项.


If you have a financial goal you want to meet, investing in 共同基金 could be the answer.