

财务顾问是做什么的,我什么时候需要一个? Learn more about financial professionals and when to use them with these insights.

弄清楚你的财务状况可能会让你感到压力. And unless you spend your free time studying money matters or working in a financial field, 这让人感觉完全不可能. 有很多问题, 大与小, 想想看, 取决于你能投资多少, 如何处理小目标和大目标.

许多人决定寻求帮助 使用金融专业人士的服务. What that looks like can be a number of things, and can vary depending on your age and stage of life. 在你做任何事情之前,研究是关键.

Some people worry that they need a certain amount of money to invest before they can get help from a professional. 幸运的是,事实并非如此. 你不需要巨额资产来寻求帮助, and a financial professional can guide you with setting all sorts of 目标 and dreams at every stage of your life.


金融 advisors are professionals that offer a range of services that can fit your budget, so don’t think that you’re too young or your checking account isn’t large enough. 财务顾问有受托责任 只从你的最大利益出发 作为他们的客户. If you haven’t had any experience with a financial advisor, 在这里’s what to expect:

  • They’ll begin by providing a thorough assessment of w在这里 you stand with your assets, liabilities and whether you’re meeting benchmarks compared to your peers for savings and retirement.
  • 他们会回顾短期和长期 目标. 这一步的好处在于它是为你量身定制的.
  • 他们可以安排定期检查,比如每两年一次,来调整 目标 以及基于工作状态、债务等变化的计划.



You're young and working full time, have a car or two and t在这里 are student loans to pay off. 以下是一些可行的建议:

  • 建立 良好的储蓄习惯, 偿还债务, 设定基准目标.
  • 偿还学生贷款. 根据你的职业,你可能有资格 你的部分学校贷款被免除了吗.
  • Consider working with a financial advisor to create an initial plan — a great option if you don’t have a lot of assets yet and simply want to know the next steps to take. 然后你们可以讨论下一个最佳的跟进时间.
  • 在开始之前,询问一下价格. 理财顾问通常有不同的定价层次. Some have minimum asset levels and will charge a fee — typically several thousand dollars — for creating and adjusting a plan, 或者他们可能会收取固定费用.


你结婚了, own a home or condo and want to provide a secure future for your family while accelerating savings to keep in line with your long-term 目标. 理财顾问可以在你人生的这个阶段提供帮助.

  • 如果你刚刚结婚,你可以从以下方面的建议中获益 管理你的双重收入.
  • 从家庭成员那里继承的遗产可能会使你的财务状况复杂化.
  • 找到增加退休储蓄的方法可能需要做很多研究.
  • 在开始之前,询问一下费用结构. 一般来说,你想要或需要的服务越多,你付的钱就越多. 经常阅读细则,并确保你的财务顾问 遵循信托标准.


You're looking ahead to your retirement and helping your kids with higher education costs. 财务顾问可以为这些情况提供建议.

  • 大多数退休计划都提供固定退休金, “忘记它”选项,根据你的生活阶段分配资产. Those generally work just fine, but most of us do not just set it and then not touch it. That might not be the best way to keep building wealth, especially as you advance in your career. 定期检查你的计划,根据需要调整你的计划.
  • Balancing savings for retirement and college costs for your children can be tricky. 理财顾问可以帮助你 优先考虑.
  • 开始之前, ask for both qualifications and references — particularly from friends and family who have had a successful experience.


Thinking about when you can retire and what post-retirement years might look like can generate concerns about whether your retirement savings are in line with your post-work plans, 或者如果你存了足够的钱留下遗产.

  • 帮助你的财务专家了解你的理财方法. 如果你在储蓄(和潜在损失)方面比较保守, 他们的建议应该回应你的担忧和顾虑. 你还应该复习任何与你年龄相关的问题. 例如, 退休后的医疗保健计划是一大未知数, and a financial professional can outline options and suggest whether additional insurance as protection may be helpful.
  • 开始之前, try to get comfortable with the idea of sharing your entire financial picture with a professional. This could include things such as a credit card balance that’s too high or a debt that hasn’t been paid. Giving your professional a full picture can help them create a plan that’s 优先考虑d to all parts of your financial status, 尤其是当你很快就要退休的时候.


If your finances are simple and you have a love for doing it yourself, you may be fine on your own. Consider, however, some of the many advantages a financial advisor can provide:

  • 如果你有多个账户和投资, a financial advisor can save you the time necessary to research everything that is needed to stay informed and make good decisions.
  • 财务顾问很容易 获得一般人无法获得的信息. 这可能包括研究、分析数据和建模软件.
  • 即使你刚刚开始, a financial advisor can create a plan to help you get you w在这里 you want to be down the road.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

状态 Farm® and its affiliates do not provide tax, investment, or legal advice. 联邦和州税法可能会发生变化. If tax, investment, or legal advice is required, please seek the services of a licensed professional.







It's easy to overspend when starting out, so 在这里 are ideas for cutting down expenses.


Having extra cash in an emergency fund comes in handy when life throws you something unexpected.


当通货膨胀高企,经济不稳定时, 有了明智的财务计划,你就能更好地抵御任何风暴.


生活 insurance is often thought of as a way to protect loved ones by providing for final expenses and estate taxes but you can think beyond that.