

Follow these simple steps to rid your home of fruit flies, once and for all.


By using homemade traps — like apple cider in a bottle — or store-bought aerosols, you can rid your home of existing fruit flies and then prevent them from coming back with simple measures. Follow these 5 basic steps to help keep fruit flies away, once and for all.


  • 彻底擦拭机柜表面.
  • 清洁所有家庭垃圾桶的内部. Make sure that your trash cans do not have any food residue stuck to the interior walls; it should look like it did when you first bought it. Use trash bags and throw the trash bag away at the end of the day. If the bag isn't full and you don't want to toss it, at least make sure it's covered.
  • 擦拭台面上任何成熟的水果或蔬菜. To wipe the fruit, use a clean towel that you have dipped in slightly soapy water. 擦拭后,冲洗和干燥的水果. You can also use a combination of water and apple cider vinegar in place of soap to wipe the fruit (1 cup water to 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar).
  • 把水果和蔬菜放在一个空纸袋里. 这使它们能够继续成熟. (Keep the bag closed on the counter or somew在这里 in your kitchen.)





You can do this whether you have evidence that the fruit flies are living t在这里. 这部分纯粹是预防措施. 不要使用漂白剂. Since bleach does not coat the pipes, it will not kill the flies. 也, undiluted bleach is not good for your pipes and is not eco-friendly. 而不是, try picking up a drain-friendly cleaner from your local supermarket that will remove all sludge, 污垢和生物堆积. 这是吸引果蝇到排水管的生物积累. 这也给了它们另一个产卵的地方, 除了你的果实和你的植物.



  • A small mason jar filled with 3 oz of unfiltered apple cider vinegar and covered with a thick layer of plastic wrap. The plastic wrap should have a small hole poked in the center of it, and the hole should be no larger than the tip of a ball point pen.
  • A small glass ramekin or saucer filled with sugary, soapy water, and set on your kitchen counter.
  • An empty mason jar with a piece of rotting fruit at the bottom of it. 一个纸漏斗通过开口插入罐子. The circumference of the middle of the funnel should be wide enough to fill and close the opening of the jar. The funnel should taper from a large opening at the top to a pin-size hole at the bottom. 这允许苍蝇进入罐子,但不让它们逃跑.
  • Fruit fly traps that you can purchase from your local supermarket, like hanging sticky traps.


既然你已经冲过下水道了, 清洁橱柜台面和垃圾桶, 擦干你的水果, 看看果蝇的问题是否开始消退.

  • 你每天用捕蝇器捕到的果蝇变少了吗? 
  • Do you see less fruit flies hovering above or flying in and out of your drains?

如果这些问题的答案是肯定的,那么你做得很好! 你可以继续进行定期维护.

If the answer is no, repeat all the steps that are mentioned above. Or, move on to natural or chemical-based insecticides, or fruit fly-decimating aerosols. If you choose the latter option — aerosols or insecticides — take care to use products that are safe for your home environment (e.g., 儿童安全, 宠物、孕妇、过敏、哮喘等.). 也, remember not to use those products around food or on food prep and eating areas, 除非产品说明书上另有说明.


当你朝着消灭果蝇的目标努力时, 然后到达它, 记住,定期保养是关键. Wash and dry fruit and produce, since they are likely a carrier of fruit fly eggs. 也, take a minute to utilize these additional measures to prevent those potential eggs from hatching in your home:

  • If your fruit is pushing over-ripe, compost it, bake with it or toss it.
  • 把你的新鲜农产品存放在冰箱里.
  • Clean your drains once a month to prevent fruit fly friendly buildup.
  • 尽量不要把脏盘子放在那里过夜.
  • 使用垃圾袋和有盖子的垃圾桶(如果可以的话).
  • 当你从啤酒瓶里倒出最后一滴液体的时候, 啤酒罐, 酒瓶, 果汁罐或醋瓶, rinse them out before tossing them into your trash can or recycling container. 
  • 如果洒出来了,要尽快清理干净.
  • 经常清理厨房里的垃圾.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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