

当成年子女搬回父母家时,哪些话题是棘手的? 从这些话题开始,建立一个成功的共同生活安排.

近年来,成年人住在家里变得越来越普遍. 关于 50% of adults between the ages of 18 to 29 were living with their parents, as of July 2022. 这种共同生活的安排可能在经济上对双方都有好处, emotionally, physically and more. 当涉及到分担空间、责任和后勤时,这也可能导致紧张.

遵循这些建议,开始列出与父母同住的成年人的家庭规则. 这些建议将有助于确定责任和制定一些基本规则.

Topics to discuss with adult children living with parents

Money, rent and utilities

Parent of adult children: 这可能是父母/成年子女共同生活讨论中最复杂的部分, and it may be influenced by circumstances. 如果你的成年孩子失业了,经济拮据, charging them rent may not be reasonable. However, if your child has a source of support, you may want to charge them rent and a portion of utilities. (The specifics can and should be highly individualized, 但也可以根据房子的空间或人数来决定, for example.这可能感觉很奇怪,但这是一种帮助他们维持包括生活费用在内的预算的方法.

Adult children living with parent: It's important to understand that, 是的, you are your parents' child, but you're also an adult — eating, sleeping and enjoying utilities in their house. Discuss contributions you can and can't make, 尤其是当你因为失业而回到父母家的时候. If you are employed and living with them to meet financial goals,考虑如何为生活必需品,如杂货和水电费做出贡献.

Breakdown of chore responsibilities

Parent of adult children: 你的家庭待办事项清单对你的成年子女来说可能并不熟悉. 讨论需要做什么,并找出在合理的时间框架内划分和解决任务的方法.

Adult children living with parent: 负责一些日常任务,如修剪草坪,吸尘或倒垃圾. Remember: You're living with parents to help them, 太.

Household privacy

Parent of adult children: 成年子女就是成年人,他们对隐私的期望与未成年时住在家里时不同. That being said, 你对吸烟和饮酒等习惯的期望是必要的谈话话题. If your adult children move back in with kids of their own, 讨论他们在食物方面的限制, screens, discipline and more.

Adult children living with parent: 如果你的父母有家规——比如禁止饮酒或吸烟——重要的是要表达你的尊重,并以成熟的方式与他们讨论, respectful way. In addition, if you move back in with your own children, 在他们的时间里,什么是可以的(什么是不可以的),建立你自己的期望, 太.

Schedule for household areas

Parent of adult children: 记得你用来记录活动和约会的家庭日历? 你可能想要建立一个成熟的版本,包括基本的(洗澡和工作时间表), for example) and what events or gatherings you have planned.

Adult children living with parent: 健康的亲子关系意味着你要像对待其他成年人一样对待你的父母. Share your plans as much as you need to, 保持一个有规律的时间表,尊重他们在你不在那里生活时所遵循的常规.

Timeline for co-habitating

Parent of adult children: Unless your adult child has a milestone, such as saving for a house, setting a deadline for them to move out may be unreasonable. However, it's OK to check in every few months, 讨论工作进展顺利的地方,并记下找工作的任何进展, for example.

Adult children living with parent: Challenging financial circumstances, including losing a job and moving into your parents' house, 搬家的日期和时间是否难以达成一致. However, 你可以通过设定自己的面试时间表来向他们保证你正在取得进步, training and more. If you've moved back in to accomplish a savings goal, update them regularly on progress related to that, 太.

As a final note, make sure to review your homeowners insurance or renters insurance policy when moving into another household. 及时更新保单和pp王者电子官网范围可以在意外发生时为您提供保护.

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