

在地震发生之前, help prepare your family and your home with these 地震 preparation tips.

美国的大多数州都是这样.S. have experienced an 地震 — with the majority being in the Pacific Northwest. 据报道,这两个州拥有 大多数地震 阿拉斯加和加州. 其他一些高风险州包括:内华达州, Hawaii, 华盛顿, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, 犹他州和俄勒冈州. 但几乎美国的每个州都是如此.S. has a 遭受地震破坏的几率.

An 地震 can be scary and cause significant damage, but preparing for an 地震 before one hits may help you avoid injury and be better equipped for the aftermath.


如果你住的地方有潜在的 地震,考虑制定一个合适的计划. 我们的建议如下:

  • 记录你的物品 -创建一个 家里的库存 每年和你的pp王者电子官网代理人一起检查一下. A 家里的库存 can help catalog damages and help with the claims process.
  • 〇考虑地震pp王者电子官网 Most standard homeowners and renters policies don't cover 地震 damage. 如果合格, 地震损失pp王者电子官网 可以作为背书购买吗. Talk with your agent to find out what kind of coverage you have and what coverage you might need.
  • Make 〇防震装备 Put together supply kits and keep them in a spot where they can quickly be reached even if your building is badly damaged. It is also a good idea to have a kit in your car and your workplace. Keep your supplies in an easy-to-carry container such as a backpack. 考虑以下装备: 
    • 药物
    • 急救箱
    • Bottled water (at least a 72-hour supply for each member of the family)
    • Non-perishable, high-calorie snack foods (72-hour supply)
    • 给你的宠物水和食物
    • Shoes
    • 手套和防尘口罩
    • 毯子
    • Ponchos
    • 曲柄或电池供电的AM-FM收音机
    • 手电筒
    • 灭火器
    • 向救援人员发出警报的哨声
    • 手机电源包
    • 必要时备用眼镜或隐形眼镜
    • 化妆品
    • Cash
    • 个人身份证明副本
  • 保护你的个人文件 确保你的 重要文件 存放在安全的地方. 文档, 比如结婚证, 出生证明, 遗嘱和其他重要记录, 应该是 存放在pp王者电子官网柜里 这是可以承受潜在损害的.
  • 做一个联系人列表 Create an emergency contact list, including your pet’s information. Ideally, your contact list would have some names that are outside your local area because it may be hard to contact people who are also affected by the 地震. 你应该把这个清单放在你的地震工具箱里.
  • 〇进行地震演习 召集你的家人一起练习。”蹲下,掩护,坚持住." Your family should also know where to find the 地震 kit and 如何在地震中保持安全.


It is important to identify hazards and then prepare your home as best you can for a potential 地震. The powerful forces of an 地震 can move even large and heavy objects. These heavy objects will be extremely dangerous if unsecured. A study by the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) found that 55% of the injuries from the 1994 Northridge 地震 是由掉落的家具或物体引起的吗. Consider the following tips for how to prepare for an 地震 at home:

  • Assess 〇你的结构 Check to see if your home or building has any weaknesses. Common weaknesses include structures not anchored to foundations, sagging or weakened crawl spaces and unreinforced masonry walls or foundations. You might want to consult an expert to evaluate your residence.
  • 识别 潜在的危险和安全对象- Take a look around your residence and consider if an object can fall or break if shaken, 然后安全地保护这些物品.
    • 把重的或大的物品移到地板上或低矮的架子上.
    • Move objects away from beds, doors or potential escape routes.
    • Secure top-heavy furniture, appliances and water heaters to wall studs.
    • 用带子捆扎电视机和电脑.
    • 在橱柜和抽屉上安装门闩.
    • 用封闭的挂钩挂镜子和照片.

Being prepared for an 地震 now may help keep you, your loved ones and your home safe if an 地震 occurs. 接下来,阅读 如何在地震中保持安全 and 地震后该怎么做.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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The next time you need to renew your insurance policies, consider taking these steps to make sure you understand what your coverages are.

你需要地震pp王者电子官网吗 if you don't live on the coast?

You can't count on traditional homeowners insurance to reimburse damages after a tremor.


A 家里的库存 can expedite insurance claims process after theft, damage or loss.


地震 safety tips to consider when you are indoors, outdoors, driving or if you become trapped.