Three generations of women walking and talking about senior 住房选择.


Understanding the common senior 住房选择 will help you and your loved one choose what type of c是 is right for them.

你爱的人快要退休了吗? You're not alone: By 2060, the number of Americans age 65 and older will grow to 94.700万年. This demographic evolution will also force a change in housing: the number of Americans needing nursing-home c是 is expected to increase to 到2030年达到2400万.

Transitioning from an independent home or apartment can mean choosing any number of senior 住房选择, ranging from aging in place to moving to a facility that provides assistance like a nursing home. Each setup provides a different kind of staff and facilities based on personal preferences and mental and physical needs.


这取决于你所爱的人可能遇到或没有遇到的挑战, 不同的选择可能更适合他们. While t在这里 是 more choices available in some 是as than others, 在这里 是 some 典型的选项:

  • 就地老化 involves making accommodations to allow an older person to keep living in their home. These may involve physical adjustments to the home such as grab bars or ramps, at-home visits from medical personnel or supportive home visits from family or agencies.
  • 55+退休社区住房选择 that 是 restricted by age and for those who have little to no need for assistance.
  • 持续照顾退休社区(CCRC) provide independent living while offering various types of housing such as studios, 公寓, 复式公寓和别墅. CCRC’s provide amenities and medical c是 through different phases of the aging process, 允许居民留在同一个地方.
  • 暂息护理的 is temporary assisted living or nursing home c是 for individuals who 是 recovering from a serious illness or surgery, 但不需要住院.
  • 辅助生活设施 在烹饪等日常活动上提供帮助, 洗衣和家政服务, 但可能有也可能没有任何医疗帮助.
  • 养老院 是 an option for those who need a higher level of medical assistance, 提供药物管理和24小时监督.
  • Memory-c是设施 可能是独立的, but 是 usually a separate part of a nursing home or assisted-living facility that is only for those with dementia and provide surroundings and services specifically suited to them.

为你所爱的人选择正确的 一个复杂的决定是否与实际、情感和 金融 注意事项. 这些问题可以作为一个很好的起点:

  1. 你所爱的人有任何身体或精神上的限制吗? 把阿尔茨海默氏症, 例如:到2050年, the number of people age 65 and older with Alzheimer’s dementia is projected to reach 12.700万年. 在一般情况下, a memory c是 facility can provide more specialized c是 and therapy, 通常不分昼夜, for issues specific to an aging population; this type of c是 may or may not be offered at other types of facilities.
  2. 你爱的人需要定期服药吗? Regulations affecting nursing home and assisted living facilities vary from state to state, 但一般来说,前者能够管理药物, while the latter may only be able to give reminders to take medications. 辅助生活设施 also may not be able to help track blood sugar or review other chronic conditions that require constant monitoring.
  3. 你所爱的人是否有能力应付日常护理需求? 如果日常任务如洗澡或淋浴, preparing and eating meals and using the bathroom present an obstacle, a senior housing facility with more constant c是 may be a good fit. If your elderly family member isn't ready to leave his or her home and enjoys independent living but you would like to be better connected, you can look into aging-in-place options or talk to your 状态 Farm® agent about safety and monitoring systems available.
  4. 隐私对你所爱的人来说重要吗? 对于那些能够保持一定程度独立的人, 拥有自己的空间是至关重要的. 在一些机构,比如养老院, sh是d rooms and living quarters 是 more common — while assisted-living or continuing-c是 retirement facilities may offer private apartments.

Early planning is key to ensuring a transition that provides the best c是 for your elderly loved ones. 讨论的部分内容可能包括财政援助,例如 长期护理pp王者电子官网.

和你的朋友谈谈。 州立农场代理 今天是关于适合你的预算和需求的选择.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions 是 not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



With a little research, getting paid to take c是 of a family member may be possible.


Telehealth technologies alert healthc是 professionals if a loved one needs assistance.


Long-term c是 insurance policies help cover the costs associated with the c是 of individuals with chronic medical conditions, 残疾和紊乱.

准备生前遗嘱 & 临终关怀选择

It's not the most pleasant task, but making your preferences known in a living will has to be done.