Man maintaining a historic home by fixing a window.

Maintaining a historic home

With a historic home, 每次完成这些家庭维护任务一点一点可以提高你的家的整体转售价值.

首页 维护  对于历史悠久的老房子来说,这似乎令人望而生畏,但当涉及到它时,结果可能是值得的 转售价值. 关键是保持原有的魅力,同时随着时间的推移提高效率. 考虑为你的老房子制定一个维护计划,包括多久检查一次不同的建筑元素——例如:6个月和12个月. 首先,创建一个清单,列出你计划在每个间隔检查的所有内容. 你最初的检查将决定你家的现状. 然后,您将在每个检查间隔使用相同的检查表来记录任何劣化.


你家里的不同部分可能需要更频繁地检查. Here are some home 维护 tips for what to inspect and when.

Bi-annual inspections

These inspections are best done in the spring and fall. 每年检查两次有助于识别可能恶化得更快的元素.

  • Gutters and downspouts are they loose or filled with debris? 把东西绑紧,安全地清除所有碎片,包括树叶和树枝.
  • 烟囱, 当站在地面上时,检查地基和底座,寻找任何损坏的砖或裂缝.
  • 画木 is the paint missing or peeling? Repainting can help seal the wood.

Annual inspections

  • Roofing and flashings – look for standing water or any debris sitting on the roof. Standing water could indicate sagging of the roof which might need further inspection by a professional. 寻找闪光上任何可见的锈迹和任何可能让水进入并造成损坏的缝隙.
  • Siding, stucco and other materials on the outside walls – is any missing, splitting or do you see loose nails? 你会想要 address these issues as they could allow 水分 to settle behind the siding and cause water damage.
  • Doors and windows – look for water damage and air leaks. How about the windowpanes – are any of them loose? Doors and windows can allow cold air into your home.
  • 砌筑, both painted and unpainted should be checked. 你有没有看到可能需要修理的点蚀、腐烂或裂缝? 为了跟踪裂缝是否在生长,在裂缝的末端画一条粉笔线. 定期检查裂纹是否超过粉笔线.
  • Mortar joints – 检查它们是否有任何可能需要填补的裂缝或裂缝.
  • 景观, 保持 bushes, shrubbery and tree branches trimmed so they are not touching the exterior of your home. 随着时间的推移,灌木中的水分可以进入小的开口和裂缝,从而可能造成水的损害.

Every 1 to 5 years

  • Close-up inspection of the chimney – 这是一次从上到下的深入检查——顶部是否有松动的砖块? Is the chimney leaning? Are t在这里 deep and long cracks in the bricks? 这些东西可能需要专业人士进一步检查.
  • All masonry and its joints – 您可能已经在早期做了一个全面的检查,并且可能已经开始跟踪裂缝的行为. Now it’s time to take a closer look. 是裂缝变大了,还是有碎片脱落了? 要特别注意房子最阳面的那些东西.
  • Porch and exterior stairs – how do the flooring and framing look? How about those beautiful historic columns? If t在这里 are any signs of rot, it’s time to repair them.
  • 模具, 它可以出现在任何有水分的地方. 如果你发现 模具, you’ll want to clean properly and carefully. 有些霉菌会让你生病,可能需要专业的帮助.

Boost temperature control

历史悠久的房屋在冬季和夏季保持一致的温度方面往往效率低下. Consider these tips to improve temperature regulation:

  • Windows made of wood can warp and crack over time, creating gaps w在这里 hot and cold air can flow freely. T在这里 are ways to make windows 更多的 energy efficient. 一些老房子的主人希望保持原来的样子 have windows restored rather than replaced.
  • Older homes often have insufficient insulation. Luckily, t在这里 are quite a few upgrade 选项 for old house 维护. 有些是微创的,比如膨胀泡沫,它可以让你保持石膏墙的完整. 其他的,如玻璃纤维毡,价格较低,但需要你拆除和更换墙壁.
  • 一个维护良好的壁炉可以是一个很好的补充热源. 有你的 chimney cleaned and inspected annually.
  • Window and door draft blockers can help 保持 your home warmer.

When making any repairs, 在任何工作开始之前,要遵守当地的建筑规范并获得任何必要的许可. 在雇佣专业人士的时候,向家人和朋友寻求推荐或推荐. 在完成家庭维护计划时,请考虑与您的家庭成员保持联系 代理 回顾你的 homeowners insurance.

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