

A balanced approach to retirement income strategies and retirement expenses can help you get the most out of your post-work years.

退休 means making the switch from accumulating financial assets to generating income from them. 如果你没有适当的计划,这种转变可能会很困难. How much should you budget for retirement expenses and how do you focus on retirement income planning? 这可能是一个令人担忧的问题,有些人可能不知道答案. And that could lead them to do less than they should to adequately plan for their retirement years. 有些人甚至可能完全忽略了制定退休收入策略. 但是今天缺乏计划不应该导致明天缺乏计划.


为退休做预算可能很困难. 当涉及到工作后的岁月, many people might not understand how to tackle budgeting for their golden years. They want to enjoy retirement freedom but may not be sure how to balance spending their retirement savings on fixed expenses as well as discretionary ones including 旅行, 爱好及其他. All of that translates into lots of questions around retirement spending strategies.

Budgeting never really stops and is particularly important during retirement when income streams may be more limited. 退休预算是理解的重要工具 你需要多少收入 为你的退休生活提供资金.

记住,理财专家估计你需要在两者之间 退休前收入的70%-90% 维持你退休后的生活水平. 这个估计可以帮助确定你的预算是否现实.

帮助你开始预算, add up your fixed expenses — the ones you know you’ll have each month in retirement. 通过查看下面常见的退休费用清单, you can begin to develop a sense of what your personal cost of living in retirement could look like. It also provides some items you should consider as you develop your retirement budget.

  • 住房: 这可能包括财产税, pp王者电子官网, 公用事业公司, 回家修理, 家居保养及家居用品.
  • 税收: 你的收入,如社会保障、401k和个人退休账户,可能需要纳税.
  • 交通: Daily costs in this category may decrease as the need for commutes — or even multiple cars — declines. 然而,预算仍应包括燃料、pp王者电子官网、维护和修理.
  • 医疗保健: 这类人往往随着年龄的增长而增加. 它包括健康pp王者电子官网,但不包括长期护理费用.
  • 食物: 随着人们年龄的增长, food expenses might decrease as retirees may have more time to cook at home and fewer people to feed.
  • 通讯: Many retirees prefer to stay connected with family, friends and current events. 记住要包括手机服务等项目, 互联网和有线电视作为你退休开支的一部分.
  • 慈善机构: 一些退休人员继续为慈善捐款做预算.

在你算出你的固定开支之后, add up your discretionary expenses which are the optional things you plan to spend money on. 这些费用可能包括娱乐费用, 旅行, 爱好和其他可以让生活更愉快的额外津贴.


With a budget in hand, it’s time to look at how you'll generate income in retirement. 在一般情况下, retirees may expect to rely on several different savings and investment accounts as well as possibly continuing to work to help fund their retirement. 退休收入类别可能包括:

  • 社会保障: This is structured as a replacement of a percentage of your pre-retirement income based on lifetime earnings. 一般来说,你可以早在62岁就开始提款. 然而,这样做意味着你将永远减少你的福利. 如果你再等几年 在你达到完全退休年龄之前,福利不会减少. 事实上,过了62岁再多等一年,你的 福利水平. 等你到达你的 法定退休年龄 将你的金额增加到 每月100%的福利. 而推迟到70岁则会增加大约 62岁以上77%的人受益.
  • 养老金: These are created and funded by some employers to provide income for employees when they retire.
  • 养老金: An 年金 能提供额外的固定收入吗. These products provide monthly payouts for life (or a specific period of time) in exchange for a single, 预付pp王者电子官网费或一系列pp王者电子官网费.
  • 兼职工作: 在2020年人口普查时,据报道 年龄在65-74岁之间的人中有近27% 我们还在工作. The income generated from part-time work can help with expenses and often provide a sense of purpose.
  • 投资组合: Several factors can impact how much income you can expect to withdraw from your retirement savings. 你可能要考虑的一些重要因素包括你的退休年龄, 预期寿命假设和投资组合的多样化.
    • 传统个人退休帐户(IRA)或罗斯个人退休帐户: 这些个人资金账户将实现递延纳税. Contributions have an annual limit, but catch-up contributions are allowed for those 50 and older.
    • 401k: Offered by some employers, a 401k is a retirement savings plan offering tax benefits. 计划通常有一个组件 雇主匹配 员工缴费的一定比例. 对于50岁及以上的人来说 追赶的条款 允许在最高供款之上额外供款.
  • 人寿pp王者电子官网: Proceeds from policies can provide for care and living expenses for those left behind or fund legacy plans for loved ones, 事业或组织.

无论你选择哪条路,只要记住 多种收入来源 in retirement can help increase the flexibility of your retirement income plan. Creating a retirement plan might help address any concerns you have about volatility and longevity while still giving you a chance to fully fund your vision of retirement.


For many people, a retirement plan includes a clear idea of when they want to retire. But an economic downturn, health problems or family needs may trigger an unexpected early retirement. If you must retire earlier than planned, you may be worried about keeping your finances on track. 这里有一些方法可以帮助你应对意想不到的变化.

  • 削减开支. 回顾你的开支并寻找 省钱的方法. 也许你正在为订阅之类的东西付费, 健身房会员或草坪护理服务,你可以没有. Consider eating in instead of dining out or even shopping around for lower prices on internet and phone services.
  • 缩小. 减少一些最大的固定成本, 比如住房, 也许能帮你在新的财务现实中缩小差距. 比如,搬到小一点的房子或者 从房子里搬出来 to a condo could help reduce or eliminate your monthly mortgage payments freeing up additional funds in your budget.
  • 考虑一个新的邮政编码. 搬到另一个城市或州 可能有助于降低你的总体生活成本. 在一个负担得起的地区, 你可以少付一些房租和税, 公用事业公司, 食品杂货和医疗保健. 然而, 考虑一下搬家对退休生活的其他方面可能产生的影响, 比如你是否需要出差去看望家人.
  • 找一份灵活的兼职工作. 如果你被迫提前退休,但仍然可以工作 兼职工作 也许能帮你扩充退休基金. 你可能喜欢兼职做顾问或教书, while others find the gig economy — like working for a ridesharing or delivery service — provides both income and control over their schedule.
  • 重新审视你的退休愿景. Ultimately you may not be able to make your new budget fit your old vision of retirement. 无论你是打算环游世界还是在海滩上放松, 花点时间重新审视你想要的退休生活. 你能负担得起的,并决定一个新的策略来帮助你实现目标.

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The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.







确定, 你可以放松, 但退休后工作能提高智力, 物理, 社会和经济健康.




你知道你需要存钱,但要存多少? 估计你未来的退休收入.

准备退休? 要问的问题

As you near retirement, it's important to review your plan and make sure you're financially prepared.