How to protect your business from burglary and robbery

Burglary is often a crime of opportunity and robbery is terrifying. 结合这些入室盗窃和抢劫预防技巧和更多帮助保护您的业务.

入室盗窃和抢劫是犯罪行为,如果发生在你身上,会影响你的生意. In the case of burglary, 小偷非法进入你的财产,可能会损坏或偷走你的财产. In the case of robbery, 小偷可能会在对某人使用武力或暴力威胁时损坏或拿走你的财产. In both cases, 对于许多企业来说,这些犯罪行为是代价高昂的损失来源,并可能对您服务客户的能力产生重大影响. 以下几个步骤旨在帮助防止商业盗窃和抢劫,并且可以长期保护您的投资.

Lighting and crime prevention

Burglars like to work under the cover of darkness. 良好的室内和室外照明是防止犯罪最有效的两个因素.

  • 要特别注意那些不容易被入侵者进入的地方. Make sure lighting fixtures stay in good working order. Damaged or burned-out bulbs should be replaced immediately.
  • 注意灯具放置的位置,减少破损的机会, using lights in cages and choosing durable products.
  • Keep valuable merchandise illuminated but away from display windows. 小偷可以打碎窗户,抢走陈列在那里的商品或物品,然后迅速逃离.
  • Consider adding motion-detection lights in areas w在这里 intruders may enter.

A well-maintained exterior

Overgrown shrubbery, 建筑物附近的车辆和垃圾箱为窃贼提供了绝佳的掩护. 保持 trees and shrubs trimmed away from windows and doors can help minimize hiding places around buildings.

  • Exterior windows can be covered with security glass along with burglar-resistant glazing. This provides the appearance of glass and increases security. Consult a security expert to find out more about glazing. Many window locks are simple latches that can be pried open. Ask a locksmith or security supplier about more secure window locks, such as hefty locks visible from the outside, a vinyl window lock along with a window alarm, or even window bars.
  • 考虑安装外部门,由实心木材或加固钢制成,与门框紧密贴合. Other burglary prevention tips include:
    • A heavy-duty deadbolt 带有重型打击板的锁可以使用穿透墙柱的3英寸螺钉安装.
    • 双圆柱门栓锁可用于有小玻璃板的门.
    • 添加一个门框加固,以防止入侵者试图把门踢开.
    • Avoid using doors with hinge pins on the outside w在这里 they can be easily removed. Equip outward swinging doors with hinges that have non-removable pins.
    • Secure overhead garage-type doors with padlocks on the roller channel.

Business alarm system and video surveillance

An alarm system is one of the best ways you can help protect your property against burglary. T在这里 are a variety of different alarms available, ranging from very basic local alarms to central station systems. Alarms can involve protection of the perimeter, area or object. 

  • Perimeter protection covers the outside surface of the building.
  • 区域保护覆盖整个空间或区域,如建筑物内部.
  • Object protection covers a particular object — such as a safe.

警报系统提供了一个监控设备网络,当系统检测到未经授权的入侵者时,它会自动通知中央监控服务. 训练有素的服务人员将与业主和当局联系.

Business and home video technology gets smaller, better and cheaper every year. For a modest investment, you can cover the perimeter of your business with video surveillance, and also digitally record substantial amounts of video. What you capture could help in catching a thief and retrieving your property. 闭路电视摄像机(CCTV)也是很好的防盗装置.

CCTVs or video systems are good to have. 当犯罪分子侵入或破坏你的财产时,它们可以作为一种犯罪威慑和识别嫌疑人的手段. 有时只要看到角落里的摄像头就足以改变小偷的想法. Posting alarm company signage can also serve as a deterrent.

Protect valuable items

Even if your business does not stock valuable items, consider the money or checks you routinely 处理.

  • Deposit large amounts of money in the bank as soon as possible, but if you must keep substantial amounts, keep them in a safe for protection from fire and theft.
  • Safes are classified as either fire resistive or burglary resistive and are rated for performance by UL Solutions Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
  • Select a safe based on the valuables to be protected. 对于高价值的商品或大量的金钱,应该选择更高的保护水平.
  • By anchoring a safe in a well-lit area, 如果窃贼试图打开或移走它,就更有可能被发现.

How can business owners protect against armed robbery?

Armed robbery is less common than burglary, but it is still a possible, more dangerous threat to you, your employees and your customers. 以下是一些建议,企业主可以采取,以帮助保护他们的员工和企业.

  • Employee training. Don’t assume your employees will know what to do in a high-stress situation. Be sure they know what to do in the event of a robbery. Training is an investment you make in your employees that might save a life.
  • Money handling. Find ways to reduce the amount at risk during a robbery. 也就是说,考虑禁止在高风险时段进行大额交易. Post this information in public view as it might deter a would-be robber. High-risk hours for a robbery are nighttime, low-customer traffic hours, and when most nearby businesses are closed.
  • Cash deposits. 现金存款可以减少手头的现金数量,每天可以做几次, but it should be done at least once daily. Also, vary the time of day you make deposits or use an armored car service. Between deposits, limit the amount of cash in the register. Keep excess bills as well as all large bills in a deposit safe. If able, bolt your deposit safe to the floor in another room.
  • Hold-up alarms and panic buttons. 这些类型的报警系统是用来通知当局抢劫正在发生或已经发生. Train employees to use the system. Regularly maintain and test your system to ensure it is functioning properly.
  • Access control. 门蜂鸣器是一种相对便宜的方式,可以在不干扰交通流量的情况下增加企业的安全性. 与对讲系统和加固门相结合,蜂鸣器可以提供额外的安全性.
  • Securing doors. Doors should not be left propped open by employees or customers. If employees need to go outside, 门应配备门铃和窥视孔,以便门可以关闭,直到需要重新进入.
  • Community involvement. Get involved with the community your business is a part of. Attend local events and meet others from the neighborhood. When people are familiar with a business and its owner, they may be likely to keep an eye out when in the area. Establish a relationship with fellow business owners. 你们甚至可以达成协议,在可能的情况下多关注彼此的生意. 另外, if available in your area, community apps can alert you to issues that may be happening locally.

How to 处理 a robbery in the workplace

  • Remember your safety is more important than money or inventory.
  • 不要直直地盯着抢劫犯,双手要始终放在看得见的地方.
  • 与强盗合作,但不要说话或自愿提供比他们要求更多的信息.
  • Don't make any sudden moves.
  • Let the robber know if another employee is coming out of another work area.
  • Don't chase the robber, leave that to the police.

What to do after a robbery

  • Lock your business after the robbery.
  • As soon as possible, record a physical description of the robber, how they left the premises (direction, 汽车模型, license number) and type of weapon used.
  • Call the police even if you have an automatic alarm. 他们需要知道你的位置以及你记录的关于抢劫犯的信息.
  • Ask any witnesses to stay until officers arrive, and instruct them not to discuss the robbery among themselves. Don’t touch anything the robber may have touched. This will avoid smearing or wiping away any fingerprints.

Additional burglary prevention tips

Here are a few more prevention tips to keep in mind.

  • 考虑有保安在场,因为他们可以有效地阻止盗窃.
  • Don't share too much on social media.
  • Take precautions to minimize the risk of employee theft.
  • Keep track of employee access cards and keys to the premises.

确保你有适当的pp王者电子官网,以帮助你的小企业在入室盗窃事件中恢复, theft or robbery. To learn more about the coverage to help protect your business, start a conversation with a 国营农场® 代理 今天.

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