Landlord under a kitchen sink making repairs.

What are typical landlord maintenance responsibilities?


房东在有效管理房产方面有很多责任. These responsibilities don't end once the tenants have moved in. Maintenance is the most dreaded and stressful of them all. 在任何时间点,an 电器可能会坏 requiring immediate action on your part. Maintenance issues can cost you money, time and often, both. This is the reality of owning a property, 但是有一些方法可以分解这些责任,让自己更好地解决维修问题,同时最大限度地减少可预防的问题.

List of landlord responsibilities

The hardest job for any landlord is finding a good tenant. 租户信用检查, 犯罪背景调查和驱逐检查可以使筛选服务的这一部分过程更容易.

拥有出租物业 is a business and the product is your property. 认真的企业主会采取措施确保他们的产品尽可能处于最佳状态,并意识到这给他们的客户带来的好处, and the profitability of the business. 房东不仅要在法律上为房客提供可居住的房子, 但是,关注你的物业需求将为你的租户树立榜样,使他们更有可能关心你的物业.

每个属性都是不同的, 但以下是房东在出现问题时需要解决或修理的主要问题:

  • 可见 模具.
  • 除害虫.
  • 主要水管问题.
  • 热力和电力.
  • 热水和冷水.
  • Proper functioning of included appliances.
  • 结构完整性问题.
  • Any issue that indicates the unit is not habitable.

也, 记住,当涉及到你的财产状况时,各州可能会有所不同,并且有额外的法律.

这是不可避免的,有些东西会出现问题,你无法控制,需要你协调维修. 然而, 预防性维护将有助于限制维修的次数和严重程度, 节省您的时间, 金钱和压力. 许多房东只关注被动维修,而忽视了采取措施的价值,这些措施可能会防止未来出现大规模的维修要求.

Property management maintenance

The first step is to set the standard from day one. Make sure the property is clean and in great shape when the tenants move in. 如果你为他们做了同样的事情,你的房客更有可能保持房子的清洁,更好地照顾你.

接下来,一个 入学检查表 能否帮助你追踪单位的长期状况,并激励你的租户防止物业的磨损. 一些简单的事情,比如让你的房客看一遍清单并签字,就会对他们选择如何对待房产产生巨大的影响. 许多 租赁条款 是12个月还是更长, so if you don't get the checklist in writing, then any issues you find when the tenants move out could create a big headache. 关于哪些问题是预先存在的,哪些损害是租户造成的,这将是你和他们的说法. 一份签过名的搬入搬出清单可以防止一般的磨损和可能更大的维护要求, 太.

房东有一个 responsibility to pay for maintenance that wasn’t caused by the tenant and to address it in a timely fashion. 虽然没有人能准确预测每年的维修费用是多少, landlords should build potential repair costs into their budget. 通常情况下, 房东应该存钱 50% of their monthly rent price on maintenance per year. 如果你每年的租金收入是12000美元,那么你每年应该节省6000美元用于维护.


另外一种防止在不合适的时间出现维修问题的方法是对物业进行年度检查. By checking for signs of water damage, 害虫和天花板上的裂缝, you can address these items early while they are still small, before they turn into major issues. 年检期间要做的其他事情包括检查烟雾和二氧化碳探测器, 更换空气过滤器,确保没有违反租赁协议的新损坏, 如在物业内吸烟.

It is important to communicate with your tenants. 你需要 give them notice before entering. 通常是24到48小时,租赁条款应该在你的租赁协议中明确列出.


租客有责任 maintaining the condition of the rental property 尽其所能,及时向房东报告任何维修问题. 具体来说,这包括:

  • 倒垃圾.
  • Any damage that's caused by them or their guests above normal wear and tear.
  • Any damage that's a result of breaking the lease.

Just as landlords are expected to promptly respond to maintenance issues, 租户必须通知业主任何维修问题,一旦发生. 当然, a loose shower curtain rod is not as severe as burst pipes, 但最好和你的租客设定一个期望,即一旦出现问题,无论大小,他们都会通知你. 我们建议您在房客入住时提供给房客的欢迎信中明确说明这两项要求.


一些州要求在24小时内对影响房屋可居住性的重大请求作出回应. While a 48-hour response time is acceptable for smaller requests, the sooner you can address the request, 更好的. 这种方式, 您可以继续展示您对物业的关心,并为您的租户提供更好的体验.

当涉及到报告和要求维修时,鼓励你的租户使用你喜欢的联系方式. This could be by phone, email, text or online maintenance tracking. Online 太ls let tenants upload photos of the problem, allow you to track progress and inform all parties when the repairs are complete.

Maintenance may be the most dreaded part of being a landlord, 但是,了解自己的责任并采取积极主动的方法将在遇到维护请求时对您大有帮助. By budgeting — mentally and financially — for maintenance requests, setting clear expectations and making it easy for tenants to communicate issues, you can create a lasting impression on your tenant to stand out as a landlord.

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