Professional liability pp王者电子官网

Get coverage against claims alleging an act, error or omission in providing your professional services.


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What is professional liability pp王者电子官网?

Professional liability pp王者电子官网, also known as errors and omissions pp王者电子官网, helps protect your business if you are sued for negligence in the performance of services you provide to your customers.


People are increasingly inclined to sue a business or service provider if they feel your mistake has caused them harm or loss. Professional liability pp王者电子官网 offers protection against:
  • Actual or alleged acts or errors
  • Libel and slander allegations arising out of your professional services
  • Cost of legal defense for covered liability claims

How much is professional liability pp王者电子官网?

The cost of professional liability pp王者电子官网 coverage is determined by several factors, including your business’s size and the industry you are in. 跟 你们当地的代理商 about professional liability coverage for your business at a surprisingly great rate.

Do I need professional liability pp王者电子官网 for my business?

You may think general liability on your business policy covers mistakes or errors. But unless your policy includes professional liability coverage, you’re probably not covered for things like botching a customer’s dye job, making errors on a client’s tax returns or misdiagnosing Fido’s upset tummy.

如果你是 发廊老板兽医, 架构师, 会计, or another kind of dedicated professional, you should consider professional liability pp王者电子官网. You may have to pay out-of-pocket for legal costs and damages that could ruin your business without it.

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We’re not ones to brag (okay maybe a little), but Investopedia
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Our agents are business owners too. They understand the unique needs of small business owners.



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