Woman handing credit card to pharmacist to pay.

Credit cards

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Woman handing credit card to pharmacist to pay.

Credit cards can have a variety of uses and come in many types. Here are some tips for selecting a card.

信用卡的使用已经成为现代生活中广泛而被接受的一部分. From modest beginnings in the early 1900s, credit card usage has grown to the point where Americans carry some $1.08 trillion1 in credit card balances.

Reasons to use a credit card

There are many reasons individual consumers use a credit card.

  • Safety: The use of credit cards 允许消费者购买商品和服务而不需要携带大量现金.
  • Opportunity: A credit card allows a consumer to deal with short-term situations, such as Christmas or emergency auto repairs, when paying cash might not be possible.
  • Facilitate transactions: Credit cards allow for payment of goods and services purchased via telephone or the Internet. Some transactions, such as renting a car, purchasing airline tickets, or guaranteeing payment for late arrival at a hotel, would be impossible without the use of a credit card.
  • Leverage: Paying with a credit card can provide a consumer with additional leverage, 如因瑕疵或劣质商品与商户发生纠纷.
  • Identity: In certain types of transactions, such as cashing a check, credit cards have become a means of personal identification.

Types of credit cards

Not all credit cards are alike. They will vary widely in terms of issuer, scope of use and contract terms.

  • Bankcards: Are issued not only by banks, 还有其他金融机构,如储蓄贷款机构或信用合作社. 这些通用信用卡通常可以用来购买各种各样的商品和服务. Credit is usually provided on a revolving basis, under which a borrower is granted a specific amount of credit. Typically, 最低每月付款要求,任何未付余额将被收取利息. 随着借款金额的偿还,可用信贷金额增加,直至信贷限额.
  • Charge cards: Also known as travel and entertainment cards. Unlike bankcards, charge cards typically must be paid in full each month. Balances not paid are subject to heavy penalty fees. Like bankcards, charge cards are usually accepted widely.
  • Retail credit cards: Retail credit cards are issued by businesses such as department stores, airlines and gasoline companies. 信贷通常是在循环的基础上提供的,购买仅限于特定发卡机构出售的商品和服务.
  • Secured credit cards: 这种卡通常是通用的银行卡,具有指定的(通常较低的)信用额度. 该卡由发卡机构的账户存款担保. 如果消费者违约,发卡机构可以使用其存款来弥补不足. 这种卡对那些没有信用记录的人或那些没有信用记录的人很有用 rebuilding their credit rating.
  • Affinity cards: 亲和卡是由银行或储贷等借贷机构联合发行的, and some other organization such as an airline, charity or college alumni group. Using an affinity card allows a cardholder to also achieve other goals, such as earning frequent flyer miles or making charitable contributions.

Shopping for a credit card

When shopping for a credit card,消费者应仔细比较信用卡所提供的条款;

  • Interest rate on unpaid balances: The interest rate on unpaid balances can be either a fixed rate or a variable rate. 发卡机构被要求以年度百分比利率(APR)和(每个结算周期)作为定期利率来说明利率.
  • Unpaid balance computation: 发卡机构计算帐户上未付余额的方法. 未付余额乘以定期利率,就决定了财务费用.
发行者每天从账户余额中减去任何付款,并增加新的购买. 在一个结算周期中,每天的余额被加在一起,然后除以该周期的天数. 发行人在上一个结算周期结束时对未偿余额收取利息. The issuer starts with the previous balance, subtracts any payments or credits, and charges interest on any remaining unpaid amount.


  • Fees: Many card issuers will charge an annual fee, just to have the card. Fees may also be charged for such items as cash advances, late payments, charging over the established credit limit and lost card replacement.
  • Grace period: 如果全部还清,不收取利息的时间.
  • Other benefits: A card may provide other benefits such as cash advances, flight insurance, or discounts on travel or long-distance telephone charges.
  • Acceptance: Some merchants may not accept a specific type of card.

Using a credit card


  • Keep the number of open credit card accounts to a minimum.
  • Understand the terms under which a card is issued.
  • Sign all cards as soon as they are received.
  • 及时支付信用卡账单,尽可能降低利息,保持良好的信用评级. 授权从你的支票或储蓄账户中以电子方式支付信用卡账单可以使这个过程自动化.
  • Keep detailed records of credit card account numbers, expiration dates and the telephone number of card issuers. The easiest way to do this is to photocopy the front and back of each card.
  • Protect credit card information to avoid unauthorized use.
  • Carefully review credit card statements each month. 应保留账单的客户副本,以便与月度账单进行比较.

Lost or stolen credit cards

根据联邦法律,持卡人最高可承担50美元的费用.00 per card, even though the use was unauthorized. Such unauthorized credit card use is often the result of a card being lost, stolen or even counterfeited. If the loss of a card is reported to the issuer before the card is used, however, the issuer cannot hold the consumer liable for any unauthorized use.

  • Notify issuer: 消费者应尽快向发卡机构报告信用卡丢失或被盗. 许多发卡机构都设有24小时免费电话号码. Written notification should also be sent to the issuer.
  • Check monthly statement: 检查每月的信用卡账单,以确保在注意到卡丢失之前没有未经授权的消费.
  • Registration service: 持有多张信用卡的消费者可能希望使用信用卡注册服务. 支付年费后,这类服务会保留消费者所有信用卡的记录. 在发生损失的情况下,消费者拨打一次注册服务电话. The registration service notifies all card issuers of the loss and, in many cases, arranges for replacement cards.

1 Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit, 2023 3rd quarter, November 2023.

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