坐在桌子旁的女人, writing on paper while using her phone and laptop to research money market accounts.


Read some information about benefits, strategies and items to note for money market savings accounts.

Account options for saving cash generally fall into three categories: 检查、储蓄及 投资. 货币市场储蓄账户, also known as a money market deposit account or money market account (MMA), 介于支票和储蓄之间. 这是一种赚取利息的储蓄账户, but it has 检查 benefits that allow you to use the funds more freely. Here is some additional information to explain how money market accounts work.


A money market account will usually offer higher interest rates, 使用借记卡, the ability to write checks and is usually insured by the 联邦存款pp王者电子官网公司 (FDIC)或 全国信用社协会 (NCUA)至每位存款人至少25万美元.


With these accounts you will need to maintain a minimum monthly balance, restricted to a certain number of transactions and may encounter additional 费用.


While money market savings accounts typically have higher interest rates, they may require larger deposits when opening the account and have a higher minimum balance ($2,500). You may face penalties if the balance falls below the minimum amount. The funds may also be more liquid; with checks and a 借记卡 包括, you can make transactions straight from your money market savings account, w在这里 savings accounts typically require you to transfer funds to yourself first. Both accounts, by law, typically allow six transactions per month. These transactions could be writing a check, using a 借记卡 or moving money to another account.


Both account types have common features like unlimited deposits, 使用借记卡和支票书写特权. 尽管如此, MMAs may have restrictions related to number of monthly transactions allowed and minimum balance required to avoid 费用. Usually, MMAs will offer a high interest rate compared to a 检查 account. Consult with your banking institution about restrictions, interest rates and specific rules for the account you choose.


If you want to earn an interest rate on your money but want easy access to those funds, 货币市场储蓄账户可能适合你. 例如,它可能很适合某个人 应急基金 或者任何你想存钱买的东西. 你可以留着这些 预算 把物品放在视线之外,这样你就不会花掉它们, 带着兴趣种植它们, 并在必要时提供这些服务. Consider using your money market account to establish a direct deposit or to pay a few recurring expenses — just keep in mind the minimum balances and maximum number of transactions.

And since MMA earnings aren't dependent on market fluctuations — they can be a safe option. 你也不会因为动用这些资金而受到处罚, as long as you stay within the monthly transaction and balance limit established by your bank or credit union.


如果你认为货币市场账户可以满足你的需要, you can begin by shopping for the highest interest rate first. Because it is not an investment account, you run no greater risk for a higher yield. However, you may want to layer in a few other considerations:

  • 有月费吗?? 有多少?
  • 需要按月交订金吗?
  • 最低起存款额是多少? 你准备好了吗?
  • 最低余额是多少? 你这样维护合理吗?
  • 利息按日复利还是按月复利? (按日计息会赚得更多.)

Now that you have read information about money market accounts, 你可能有兴趣了解更多关于 货币市场基金的基础知识 支票账户 or 不同类型的储蓄.

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Having extra cash in an 应急基金 comes in handy when life throws you something unexpected.


This introduction to 支票账户 helps explain some features to seek and avoid.

Four kinds of savings and other important savings account information

了解更多关于储蓄账户的知识以及它们是如何运作的. We share four different kinds of savings to help you decide which one may help with your financial goals.


If you have a financial goal you want to meet, 投资 in mutual funds could be the answer.